Resultados: 10

Indicadores empíricos das necessidades humanas afetadas no atendimento pré-hospitalar móvel: pesquisa metodológica

OBJETIVO: identificar e selecionar coletivamente os indicadores empíricos das Necessidades Humanas Básicas (NHB) no contexto do Atendimento Pré-Hospitalar Móvel (APHM). MÉTODO: Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva do tipo metodológica, com abordagem quantitativa, realizada no Serviço de Atendimento...

Cuidado de enfermagem ao idoso no centro de terapia semi – intensiva: pesquisa qualitativa exploratória

Qualitative and exploratory research, developed in a Semi-Intensive Care Unit (SICT), on a Public Teaching Hospital in Curitiba, Paraná, in 2008. The objective is to know how the nurses perceive the nursing care to the elderly hospitalized in the SICT. Seven nurses which work in the SICT participated th...

A qualidade de vida de idosos portadores de doença crônica: pesquisa quali-quantitativa

It objectified to evaluate the perception of quality of life as well as its representations for 45 users, over 60 years of age from a health unit by means of a qualitative-quantitative research study where it was used a reduced instrument by the World Health Organization. The physical, psychological doma...

Life history of diabetics with injuries in feet: qualitative study

The goal was to comprehend the life history of diabetic patients with foot ulcers. A qualitative research called life history was developed. The participants were people with foot ulcers from diabetes, with or without amputation, that were assisted by the Wounds Care Nusing Extension Project at the North...

Caracterização dos usuários e o conhecimento sobre a hipertensão arterial

Arterial hypertension is one of the main risk factors as to the development of cardiovascular and renal disease and reaches a great part of the Brazilian population. The objectives of this study are: describe the profile of hypertension people and identify their knowledge about the disease. This is a des...

Mulheres residentes em uma casa de estudantes: o verso e o reverso do autocuidado

Cancer is the most frequently occurring neoplasia among women worldwide, followed by cervix uteri cancer whose main agent is the human papilloma virus. This research had as general goal: get to know women's health self-care among female undergraduates who live in a public university housing in Paraná St...

O vivido pelo cliente em pré-operatório de cirurgia cardíaca

This is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach research had as an objective to learn the feelings and perceptions of the illness which is in preoperative cardiac surgery. This work, performed in the Hospital de Clinicas of the Parana Federal University, with 11 persons in preoperative fo...

Caracterização das vítimas e agressores de violência sexual em um serviço ambulatorial

A violência sexual representa relevante problema de saúde coletiva, uma vez que é resultante de fenômeno social de múltiplos fatores, cujas conseqüências afetam tanto a vítima quanto a sociedade. Com o objetivo de realizar o levantamento dos casos atendidos em ambulatório de atendimento às vít...

Visita domiciliar de enfermagem com atividades educativas no tratamento da pressão arterial

This study aims: to compare the maintenance of the arterial pressure levels on Arterial Hypertension bearings, followed and monitored with educational activities in family (cases) or individualized (control), visited at home monthly and bimonthly respectively. 30 users enrolled in the Hyper tense Treatme...

A bioética no cenário da enfermagem

The practical of the nursing is developed in multiple scenes that can be sources for the research with human beings. This practical must be based on the *196/96 Resolution of the National Counsel of Health of the Ministry of Health. The objective of this study is to identify the knowledge of the nurse ab...